wtorek, 12 marca 2013

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Vandana Shiva on Seed Freedom - http://youtu.be/Dj8a0k_THCk

"Seed is the source of life and the first link in the food chain. Control over seed means a control over our lives, our food and our freedom. Corporations like Monsanto have created a seed emergency -- an emergency through patents on seeds, seed monopolies, biopiracy, genetic engineering and creation of non-renewable sterile seeds. Seed monopolies have pushed 250,000 farmers to commit suicide in India. After contaminating farmer's seeds and crops, Monsanto sues farmers 'for stealing their gene', putting the polluter pays principle on its head, and making it the polluter gets paid principle.

"Many of us have created contemporary movements to respond to the seed emergency. The global campaign for Seed Freedom intends to give strength to these existing movements. It aims to ‘connect the dots’ of the many voices around the globe to add strength to the movement to keep seed free.

"Join us in ongoing actions to create a global citizens’ response on the issue of Seed Freedom that we hope will act as a wake up call for citizens and governments. Gandhi had said, “as long as the superstition that unjust laws must be obeyed exist, so will slavery exist”. Humanity and diverse species on the Earth are being pushed into a new form of seed slavery. In the spirit of Gandhi, we therefore call for a civil disobedience against unjust laws and look forward to planning common strategies and actions together as the campaign for Seed Freedom becomes stronger and louder."

Vandana Shiva

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